
Registration of LLC by proxy: procedure and features of the procedure.

Registration of a limited liability company is the creation of a new legal entity, which is associated with the collection and registration of the necessary documents and the deposit of the authorized capital to the settlement account. You can register an LLC either personally or with the participation of a third party. In this case, the applicant will need a power of attorney.

Jan, 04 2024
Creation of joint ventures: examples in real business

Joint ventures (JV) are a special form of ownership involving the creation of a common company by participants from two countries. Relationships are built on the basis of a unified management of property and other assets.

Jan, 04 2024
Compulsory liquidation of a legal entity by a tax authority. Grounds and procedure for compulsory liquidation.

There are many reasons for liquidating a commercial organization including decision of tax authority. Also, it can be referred to the voluntary liquidation of the company by decision of its members or management. The decision to terminate a business can be made because it has achieved its goal or the deadline for which it was founded has passed.

Jan, 04 2024
Due diligence of contracts

When two parties sign a contract, they both want to get some guarantees, but in practice, you can hardly exclude all risks, you can only minimize them, due diligence procedure was invented just for these purposes. It is performed to estimate all the possible problems with a counterparty or to minimize the risk of a contract being considered as invalid.

Jan, 04 2024
How can a citizen of Belarus open an LLC in Russia

Cooperation between Russia and Belarus is a long–term partnership that has allowed us to create an agreement on the avoidance of double taxation. According to it, citizens of Belarus often choose Russia for creating business.

Jan, 04 2024
Incorporation of a joint venture with a foreigner in Russia

A joint venture with a foreign participant is a legal entity formed by merging the capitals of a Russian legal person and a representative of another country. The incorporation of such company is traditionally viewed in a positive way, as it allows attracting foreign capital and foreign technologies to Russia.

Jan, 04 2024
Registration of a Limited Liability Company in the Republic of Belarus

Belarus is Russia’s closest neighbour and partner in the EAEU, as well as the main trade “bridge” between Europe and the CIS. Such a strategic position allows the country to attract many investors, including from Russia. An important role in attracting investment is played by the presence of free economic zones, such as the High-Tech Park, the Great Stone Industrial Park. In addition, companies operating in rural areas or small towns can enjoy special tax benefits. One of the main advantages of registering an LLC in the Republic of Belarus is the simplified procedure for opening legal entities in comparison with Russia. At the same time, the most optimal form of doing business is a limited liability company.

Jan, 04 2024
Legal examination of the delivery contract

A supply contract is a document that records agreements between economic entities. One party undertakes to deliver the goods of proper quality in the prescribed quantity within a certain time frame. The other party – the buyer – undertakes to accept and pay for this product in a timely manner. However, like any documents, this contract may require legal expertise designed to protect the interests of the parties.

Jan, 04 2024
Is it allowed to travel abroad or to another region of the Russian Federation with TRP

Temporary residence permit allows foreign citizen to live and work in Russia up to three years. The main advantage of TRP is right to stay in country on legal grounds, work officially and do business.

Jan, 03 2024
Legal analysis of the contract

Russian law defines a contract as an agreement between two or more parties. This agreement necessarily creates, transforms or cancels the rights and obligations between those who signed the contract. In other words, a contract is a type of civil transaction.

Jan, 03 2024
Permanent residence permit in Russia: what does it give?

In order for a foreigner to live in Russia, he needs a temporary or permanent permit. However, a temporary residence permit (RVP) is valid in one region, besides its validity period is limited. Therefore, foreign citizens seek to obtain a residence permit in Russia. A residence permit (residence permit) is a special status of a foreign citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation, which gives him the right to legally reside in the country, and also gives him a certain list of rights that residents of Russia have. At its core, such a document allows you to live, work, and do business in the country.

Jan, 03 2024
Financial Due Diligence: what is the relevance of the procedure at the present time

Due Diligence is a special process that is necessary for a comprehensive assessment by specialists of the investment object. First of all, this process is conducted to avoid potential investment risks. Moreover, such a service includes a comprehensive audit of the financial state of the company, an analysis of its operations, as well as legal assistance in case of sale or purchase of assets.

Jan, 03 2024
Liquidation of a legal entity due to the bankruptcy

A particular case of terminating company’s activity is to declare insolvency – situation when the company is unable to pay its credit debts, dismissal compensations and other compulsory payments. Grounds for liquidation of a legal entity due to the bankruptcy and its procedure are stated in the law on “Insolvency (bankruptcy)”. This is the essential law regulating situation when a company is not able to fulfill its obligations.

Jan, 03 2024
Taxation of branches of a foreign company in Russia

Tax liabilities of a branch of a foreign company in the Russian Federation arise in cases when the branch is officially registered in the territory of the country.

Jan, 03 2024
Real estate due diligence

Real estate due diligence is a procedure which provides a comprehensive property check and is carried out before it’s buying or renting. Under this procedure legal, financial, tax, construction and technical examinations can be carried out, potential risks are assessed and identified when concluding a specific transaction with a real estate object.

Jan, 03 2024
Tax planning

Tax planning is active and targeted legal action of a company that is aimed at obtaining tax benefits (reduction of taxes, fees, duties and other obligatory payments). Tax benefit is a reduction in amount of tax liability, which is achieved by reducing the tax base, obtaining a tax deduction, benefits, applying a lower tax rate, as well as obtaining the right to a refund (offset) or tax refund from the budget.

Jan, 03 2024