Blog Liquidation of company

Closed joint-stock company: features of a legal entity

A closed joint stock company (CJSC) is one of the forms of business organization that unites participants on the basis of ownership of shares.

Jan, 16 2025
Liquidation of a PJSC: how the procedure is organized, main stages

PJSC (formerly OJSC) is a public joint-stock company, the shares of which are distributed among citizens and other companies. Public says that the shares are freely rotating on the stock market, which makes them available for purchase by any person.

Mar, 14 2024
Voluntary liquidation procedure of legal entity

Russian legislation provides a special procedure for the final termination of commercial activity, without transfer of rights and obligations. Each stage of legal entity’s termination is regulated by law. In case of law violation, the procedure may be delayed for a long time or come to a standstill, which is disadvantageous for company’s owner and threatens with large fines.

Jan, 22 2024
Liquidation of a foreign legal entity

Liquidation of a foreign legal entity is a multistage procedure introduced by the state and resulting in cessation of operations by companies. After a company officially closes, these data are recorded in the corresponding register and the company is registered as liquidated. At the same time, all its subsidiary offices abroad should also commence the liquidation procedure according to the legislation.

Jan, 22 2024
Appeal against a decision to liquidate a legal entity

A legal entity can be liquidated voluntarily and forcibly, as well as if it is declared insolvent. In case of voluntary liquidation, the reason for such a decision can be expiration of the deadline or fulfillment of its company’s objectives. When a legal entity is forcibly terminated (for example, based on a court decision), mistakes are often made. In such cases, the owners have a question: is it possible to appeal the decision on the liquidation of a legal entity.

Jan, 21 2024
Subsidiary liability. Grounds for attraction. The order and nuances of legislation.

Subsidiary liability (CO) is one of the types of liability that occurs in the event of bankruptcy of the company and the formation of debt. In this case, the head of the legal entity will be obliged to repay the debt from his own funds.

Jan, 20 2024
Liquidation of legal entity in 2022

The company is operating until an entry on the termination of its activities appears in the state register. The liquidation procedure is complicated and prolonged, and if the norms of the law are not observed, it will not be possible to liquidate the business.

Jan, 19 2024
Liquidation of an inactive legal entity

Liquidation of inactive legal entity by the tax authority is a multi-stage procedure, which takes place in strict compliance with legal requirements. Commercial organization is not considered dissolved even if it has ceased to conduct its business activity until the relevant entry in the registry about it has been made.

Jan, 18 2024
Liquidation of a company through sale. Is it possible to close a business in this way without unnecessary problems?

The liquidation of a limited liability company is the complete cessation of the company’s work from the point of view of an economic entity, as well as the closure of the LLC itself without transferring it to another person.

Jan, 17 2024
Liquidation of the company through sale. What advantages does this method of closing an LLC provide?

The liquidation of a company is a procedure for the termination of the activity of a legal entity, which can be achieved in various ways.

Jan, 16 2024
Dismissal of employees upon liquidation of the company

Liquidation of an LLC is a process of voluntary or forced closure of a company, which involves a complete shutdown of the company, including staff reduction, shutdown of production and any other activity, completion of settlements with counterparties. Dismissal of employees is the termination of employment relations between an employee and an employer at their own request, by agreement of the parties or on the occasion of other circumstances provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Jan, 16 2024
Liquidation of company’s representative office

Liquidation of represen are the forms of separate subdivisions stipulated by Russian law. They are situated outside the main location of the company, but branches and representative offices are not synonymous. According to the Civil Code, they have fundamentally different functions, which are detailed in Article 55 of the Civil Code.

Jan, 16 2024
Liquidation of a legal entity with debts without bankruptcy

The liquidation of a legal entity with debt without bankruptcy is a complex multi-stage procedure that should be carried out by qualified lawyers. It requires careful compliance with law. The grounds for liquidation, as well as procedure for the enterprise and its debtors are described in a number of laws, including federal law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”.

Jan, 16 2024
Repeal of decision to liquidate a legal entity

Cancellation of decision on liquidation of legal entity is procedure provided for by legislation of the Russian Federation. It is possible to stop winding up of commercial organization at any stage, but only until the moment when changes are entered into register.

Jan, 16 2024
Compulsory liquidation of LLC. The order and features of the event. And what expect in these cases?

Compulsory liquidation of a company is a process of closing a company initiated not by the managers or founders of the company. Simply put, the procedure is initiated by third parties, usually tax authorities or creditors. The procedure for compulsory liquidation differs from voluntary liquidation, when the founders themselves are the initiators of the closure of the LLC.

Jan, 15 2024
Liquidation of a legal entity. Methods, consequences, purpose. Consistency and general characteristics.

Liquidation of a legal entity is a procedure provided for by law in order to terminate activities without transferring rights and obligations to other persons. Termination of the operation of an enterprise that is registered as a legal entity is a process, each stage of which is regulated by the legislation of the state. In case of its violation, the procedure may be delayed for a long time or come to a standstill, which is not beneficial for the owner of the company, and also threatens with various fines.

Jan, 15 2024