Blog Residence permit

Residence permit in the Russian Federation for purchasing real estate property

Residence permit – is a document that grants foreign citizens the right to permanently live in Russia, do business, freely move from region to region as well as cross Russian borders. Residence permit grants a foreigner almost the same amount of rights as Russian citizens have and imposes very few restrictions.

Jan, 22 2024
Residence permit in Russia

Foreign citizens planning to move to one of Russian cities should obtain the document which is called residence permit. It gives them the same rights and obligations as Russian citizens have with few exceptions. Official status relieves foreigners from need to leave country from time to time or stay within the same region. Having a residence permit, a foreigner can freely travel within the country, move from region to region, change jobs, and cross the Russian border as many times a year, as necessary.

Jan, 21 2024
How long does residence permit in Russia last

So that a foreigner has an opportunity to live in Russia for several years in a row, work freely and do business, it is necessary to receive a residence permit. In addition to the fact that it officially confirms the right on permanent residence, this document gives the foreign citizen the same advantages as to most of Russians. Except perhaps the right to participate in elections. But how long does a residence permit in Russia last?

Jan, 17 2024
Obtaining a residence permit in Russia due to the marriage

How long a foreigner can stay in Russia depends on his visa or visa-free entry rules. Although for some countries these rules are more than favorable, if you want to live continuously in the Russian Federation for a year or longer, you need a special document: residence permit. It confirms your right to stay permanently in the country, as well as to freely move within Russia and cross its border.

Jan, 16 2024
Residence permit in Russia in 2023

Foreigners who want to permanently live in the country draw up such a document as a residence permit for the Russian Federation 2022. It has no time limits, so the official permit does not need to be renewed periodically. At the same time, this document gives the holder an almost complete list of rights that Russian citizens have, with a few exceptions. Such document is mostly drawn up on the basis of a temporary residence permit, but there may be exceptions.

Jan, 15 2024
Residence permit in Russia due to a child

A foreign citizen can stay in Russia only on the basis of particular documents. If visit to the country is short, a passport, migration card or visa is enough. But for a long stay, a temporary or permanent residence permit is required. Most foreigners who work in Russia tend to…

Jan, 14 2024
Confirmation of a permanent residence permit in Russia

For a long time, the validity of a residence permit (residence permit) in Russia was limited to five years. After this period, foreigners were forced to re-submit documents for the extension of a residence permit. Of course, if you did not decide to leave the Russian Federation. However, in 2019, amendments in the field of migration legislation came into force, which made the residence permit indefinite. These legislative changes have saved foreign citizens living in Russia from the need to periodically reissue documents.

Jan, 13 2024
Taxation of a foreign citizen with a residence permit

A residence permit in Russia gives many advantages to a foreign citizen living in our country. This also applies to the ability to work without the need to issue permits. However, when applying for a job, a foreigner with a residence permit must consider not only the need to collect a package of necessary documents, but also the taxes that the employer will calculate and transfer to the budget.

Jan, 07 2024
Reasons for refusal of a residence permit in the Russian Federation

A residence permit is a document that grants a foreigner the right to live in Russia for a long time. Unlike a temporary residence permit, it is perpetual. Of course, when the migration service does not initiate the procedure for its cancellation, a residence permit gives a foreigner most of…

Jan, 06 2024
Permanent residence permit in Russia: what does it give?

In order for a foreigner to live in Russia, he needs a temporary or permanent permit. However, a temporary residence permit (RVP) is valid in one region, besides its validity period is limited. Therefore, foreign citizens seek to obtain a residence permit in Russia. A residence permit (residence permit) is a special status of a foreign citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation, which gives him the right to legally reside in the country, and also gives him a certain list of rights that residents of Russia have. At its core, such a document allows you to live, work, and do business in the country.

Jan, 03 2024
Permanent residence permit in Russia without getting temporary residence permit

Permanent residence permit is unlimited document which entitles foreign citizen to live and work in Russia. An adult or a child who has obtained PRP does not become Russian citizen, but he/she can study, work, do business, move from region to region without any restrictions. Moreover, obtaining PRP is a mandatory requirement to get Russian citizenship, thus PRP is usually obtained by those foreign citizens who want to link their future with Russia.

Jan, 02 2024
Obtaining Russian citizenship without permanent residence permit

Russian laws define citizenship as a stable legal relationship between a person and the state. This relationship is represented by the sum of mutual rights and obligations that arise between citizen and the Russian Federation. Most of these rights and obligations are provided for by the Constitution.

Jan, 01 2024
Russian citizenship after PRP

A permanent residence permit (PRP) is required if you are applying for Russian citizenship. This document is a permit for a permanent staying in the country that grants the migrant most of the rights that Russians have. A foreigner who has officially registered this status can freely work in local companies, conduct business, and move from region to region. They can even count on a local pension if they work permanently in the country.

Nov, 04 2023
Work permit in Russia

A residence permit is a document that gives a foreigner the right to reside in Russia. The validity of a residence permit is unlimited if it is not revoked through the courts. The standard procedure for processing documents requires that a foreigner first obtain a temporary residence permit, then stay…

Nov, 11 2020
How much does a residence permit cost in Russia

A residence permit confirms the right of a foreigner to permanently live in the country, work or do business. This document gives almost the same amount of rights as Russian citizens have and imposes very few restrictions. In addition, a residence permit is a prerequisite for obtaining Russian citizenship. How…

Aug, 13 2020
Entry and exit from Russia with a residence permit

Foreigners who have obtained Russian residence permit, are allowed to cross the border. Against myths and fears, Russian law does not impose restrictions on travel, business and study trips or trips related to medical treatment. Similar to Russian citizens, foreigners with residence permit can travel abroad, travel purposes might be…

Jul, 16 2020