Development of foreign business structures in Russia
With the development and growth of business, diversification into new market segments and creation of a network of subsidiaries and associated companies there is a greater need to improve the efficiency of business management. This can be achieved through the creation of a holding company.
A holding is a system of commercial companies, including a head (mother) company and network of small and medium-sized subsidiaries under its control. The creation of a holding company helps optimize taxation, organize financial flows, boost business reputation and investment attractiveness through the promotion of a single brand and more.
Choosing the structure of the holding is a vital step, as the ongoing growth of the company will largely depend on this. The application of certain tax rates, the degree of personal responsibility of business owners and executives, the business management mechanism and access to credit and loans all depend on this.
The wrong choice of structure can greatly complicate company management, and lead to significant costs as a result of factors such as an inefficient tax system or the need to suspend production. It is very costly and time consuming to fix this later.
To create the proper structure of the holding a management model needs to be developed, tax risks assessed in order to prevent double taxation, a set of company and registration documents drawn up, and the legal status of the company officially registered with the tax authorities.
Our services
VALEN offers a wide range of consulting and legal support services to help companies in foreign jurisdictions create a holding company in Russia:
- Consultating on the selection of a holding structure in Russia in view of the specific features, advantages and disadvantages of each structure;
- Legal support of business restructuring and the creation of a holding in view of the requirements of Russian legislation and international law.
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