Joint ventures of China and Russia

Jan, 13 2024

China is one of Russia’s strategic international partners on the world stage. According to statistics, over 10 years the trade turnover between the countries has grown by 116%, which is a record. The states cooperate in the field of oil and gas supplies. The export and import of IT technologies, clothing and shoes, agricultural products (grain and meat), electronics and other goods are also actively developing.

At the same time, all the above facts relate not only to large corporations. Small companies also actively cooperate with each other, creating joint ventures and implementing unique projects.

Thus, cooperation between China and Russia has reached new heights in relations between them. The participation of the two countries is expressed in the implementation of joint projects. In this article we will look at the most famous of them.

Which projects have received maximum development?

  1. Chinese-Russian Space Laboratory.

This project is one of the most ambitious joint projects of China and Russia. The laboratory is working on the creation of a lunar base on the Earth’s satellite, where astronauts will conduct various experiments.

  • Chinese-Russian flight enterprise.

The creation of a joint venture for production of aircraft is one of the most promising cooperation projects in the field of aircraft construction. The joint venture will produce almost ready-made blocks for aircraft, which will significantly speed up the assembly process.

  • The Gazprom–China project.

Gazprom plans to supply natural gas to China for many years, for this purpose it plans to launch the «Power of Siberia» gas pipeline. The transaction value exceeds 400 billion US dollars, which is one of the largest in the history of the energy industry.

  • Sino-Russian ring collider.

This project is a joint development of a new facility for proton collisions. Its creation will make it possible to make many discoveries in the field of physics.

  • Sino-Russian partnership in infrastructure.

Cooperation in the infrastructure industry is one of the most promising sectors of cooperation. Within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” project, joint work is underway on the development of transport infrastructure and the construction of new highways.

  • Joint production of Jeep cars.

The Chinese-Russian company Great Wall Motors has launched a joint production line for production of Jeep cars. This project will not only increase the production of cars, but also significantly reduce their cost. Also, Great Wall Motors opened the first foreign plant with a full assembly cycle of Chinese Haval brand cars, it is located on the territory of the Uzlovaya SEZ. In the future, it plans to build factories for production of motors and an R&D Center on the territory of this special economic zone.

The role of joint projects between Russia and China

  • Development of the fuel and energy sector. This directly concerns Russian gas supplies to China. Strategic cooperation agreements will improve the investment climate of our country in the face of sanctions from unfriendly states.
  • Development of the transport network. The agreement on strategic cooperation between JSC “Russian Railways” and the corporation “Chinese Railways” will allow the exchange of technologies in the field of transport engineering and develop the railway network between our countries.
  • Development of logistics infrastructure.
  • Interbank cooperation. This concerns the agreement on credit cooperation between Vnesheconombank and the Export-Import Bank of China.
  • Exchange of experience in the field of production of building materials. As you know, Russia has raw materials, and China has innovative knowledge in the production of various materials.
  • Reducing digital inequality. The partnership agreement between Rostelecom and Huawei will allow to provide modern telecommunications services as part of the implementation of the national program.
  • Increased gas exports to China thanks to the Sino-Russian gas contract. It involves the creation of a large-scale gas processing plant with the construction of gas separation stations, helium production and a gas chemical plant.

The most promising areas for cooperation

As we noted above, China and Russia cooperate in a wide range of areas. The most basic of them are:

  • Creation of new transport infrastructure
  • Currency and investment cooperation
  • Oil and gas supplies
  • Production of hydrocarbons
  • Metallurgical sector
  • Aviation engineering industry
  • Information security
  • Information cooperation
  • Interconnection of power grids
  • The branch of agriculture
  • Chemical industry.

Main conclusions

Joint projects between China and Russia demonstrate that these two countries can work together to solve common issues. Cooperation between China and Russia will continue to develop, and these projects are only the beginning of advancing the common goal of creating a more favorable environment for life and development.

Author of the article
Joint ventures of China and Russia
Valentina Khlavich
Managing Partner
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