Blog Registration of foreign citizens
Double citizenship is a situation where a person is simultaneously a citizen of several states. This requires an international Treaty regulating double citizenship: if there is no such Treaty between the Russian Federation and another state, it is impossible to obtain another citizenship legally. However, the Russian Constitution provides for the right to obtain citizenship of another country. Why might this be necessary?
Registration of German citizens in Russia is a registration of a foreign citizen with the migration service. It is closely related to the state activities aimed at collecting and analyzing information about foreign citizens temporarily or permanently residing in the Russian Federation. Registration allows to track movements of foreign citizens within the country. This procedure is mandatory for every person without an Internal Russian passport; and here residents of Germany are no exception.
Migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation is state activity for recording and summarizing information about foreign citizens and their movements, carried out for the purpose of developing and implementing state migration policy, as well as for conducting state statistical monitoring in the field of migration. Migration registration is of notification nature and includes registration of foreign citizens at place of residence and registration of them at place of stay.
Every foreigner who stays in Russia for more than a week must register for migration at the Ministry of internal Affairs. Regardless of citizenship and the purpose of arrival, foreign citizens fill out a migration card when crossing the Russian border. This document contains information about foreigners entering the Russian Federation and entitles them to stay in the country for 7 days. However, if the trip lasts longer than this period, a foreigner should register with migration authority.
Migration registration includes state activities for collecting, storing, summarizing information about visitors. Registration in the migration authority is a mandatory procedure to every foreigner who comes to Russia, the exceptions are not provided. Unless for some categories of visitors there is a standard registration period of 7 working days, and for other categories the law provides for a longer period.