
Foreigners will be able to receive a temporary residence without a quota for supporting traditional values

On August 19, a decree was adopted according to which foreign citizens who disagree with the moral policy of their countries will be able to obtain a temporary residence permit (TRP) in a simplified manner. Citizens of countries that pursue policies that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values have…

Sep, 04 2024
Business share option: the subtleties of application and the reasons for contesting

An option is a financial instrument that grants the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a certain asset (for example, a share in a business) in the future at a predetermined price.  This is a kind of contractual insurance that allows you to protect your interests in…

Aug, 28 2024
Introduction of the Digital Ruble

The digital ruble is a digital currency issued by the Central Bank of Russia (or the Central Securities Exchange). It is an electronic equivalent of cash and money held in bank accounts, represented by a unique digital code stored in an electronic wallet hosted on a dedicated platform operated by…

Aug, 21 2024
How to Verify a Trademark Before Registration to Avoid Rejection

Trademark registration is a complicated process that requires significant time and knowledge of various aspects of the registration process. To ensure successful registration, it is essential to verify the uniqueness and compliance of a proposed trademark with legal requirements. A preliminary check of a trademark can help save time and…

Aug, 15 2024
How entrepreneurs on the simplified payment system will be required to pay VAT under special rules

The Ministry of Finance has proposed a tax reform to change the method of VAT payment. According to this proposal, organizations and individual entrepreneurs operating under the simplified tax system (STS) will be required to pay VAT on revenue exceeding 60 million rubles per annum. Under current legislation, entrepreneurs whose…

Aug, 07 2024
How to identify individuals’ affiliations and the risks associated with them

Affiliated individuals are those who have the potential to influence the activities of other organizations or individuals. These can include major transactions, changes in personnel, or the development of a strategic plan. The term “affiliation” originated in Russia in 1991 with the enactment of the “Competition Law,” which was subsequently…

Jul, 31 2024
The US Treasury Department has extended the opportunity for its citizens to make transactions in favor of Russian government agencies until October 9, 2024

The US Department of the Treasury has extended the validity of the document allowing payments to be made in favor of the Russian Federation. Such an extension may be the last due to the imminent entry into force of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the…

Jul, 24 2024
Joint ventures of China and Russia

Which projects have received maximum development? The most promising areas for cooperation Main conclusions China is one of Russia’s strategic international partners on the world stage. According to statistics, over 10 years the trade turnover between the countries has grown by 116%, which is a record. The states cooperate in…

Jul, 22 2024
Planned business inspections are planned to be abolished to promote entrepreneurship

Since 2022, the Russian Federation has had a temporary restriction on planned and unscheduled inspections of businesses. This measure was necessary to stimulate the economy during the pandemic. This moratorium had a positive impact on business, which sparked a discussion on the abolition of inspections. The moratorium on inspections was…

Jul, 17 2024
Regulation of trade through marketplaces in the EEU

On July 1, 2024, Federal Law N 100-FZ entered into force, which amends the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. A significant part of it is dedicated to the regulation of trade among sellers from EEU countries via electronic trading platforms. The main changes within the framework of this law…

Jul, 12 2024
Deals with parties from non-friendly states: for what operations the authorization of the Government Commission is required and how to obtain it

Since 2022, it has been established that it is necessary to obtain a permit for transactions with a resident of an “unfriendly” country. The types of transactions that need to be authorized before they are made are specified in special presidential decrees. Which operations are subject to restrictions Several transactions…

Jul, 03 2024
Effective control: the Federal Tax Service introduces automatic determination of tax residency

The Federal Tax Service (FTS) plans to introduce an automated system to determine the tax residency of individuals by 2025. The new system will be based on data on foreign passports and movement across the border, as opposed to the current method of determining status by stamps in passports. According…

Jun, 26 2024
How To Claim a Business Loss on Taxes: A Comprehensive Guide

No business owner wants to experience a loss, but when they do occur, understanding how to claim a business loss on taxes can turn a negative situation into a more manageable one.

Jun, 24 2024
Russian government names options for business to adapt to sanctions against Moscow Exchange

Exchange trading and settlements in dollars (US and Hong Kong dollars) and euros are suspended at Moscow Exchange following the introduction of a new package of sanctions by the US on 13 June.  The government spokesman said the situation is under control – the government and the Bank of Russia…

Jun, 19 2024
Chino-Russian economic partnership

China and Russia are strengthening their strategic partnership to counter U.S. sanctions and balance NATO’s actions in the region. On 16 May 2024, the leaders of both countries expressed their determination to deepen military, economic and technological cooperation.  An analysis of the documents shows that China is a strategic competitor…

Jun, 14 2024
Which Business Entity Structure Is Right for You?

Are you ready to dive into the business world and turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality?

Jun, 11 2024