The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation will launch a digital platform for small and medium-sized businesses support

Jan, 20 2021

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation is preparing to launch an ecosystem within which a digital platform functions, combining all services for medium and small businesses. The ecosystem will allow you to select targeted tools to support business entities. 197 services are currently available to entrepreneurs- the ecosystem users, including the possibility of obtaining support measures due to the digital platform.

The system is fully operational by the end of 2021.

The digital platform will perform the following functions:

  • digital company profile creation;
  • contribution to the effective business support, depending on its conditions and demands;
  • knowledge of the assistance effectiveness tranferred to the Government;
  • selection of targeted support measures.

This ecosystem will allow you to enable a significant part of your business processes online.

Author of the article
The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation will launch a digital platform for small and medium-sized businesses support
Valentina Khlavich
Managing Partner
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