Reduction of terms of accreditation for business

Aug, 23 2023

The Cabinet of Ministers will reduce the terms of accreditation for business soon. Currently, accreditation takes 61 working days, but after consideration of the new terms, it will be reduced to 54. According to preliminary estimates, accreditation will now be carried out 11.5% faster. The new resolution has already been approved by the Government.

Consideration of changes in the register of accredited persons will take 10 working days. Now it is 20, which means that the term will be reduced by 2 times. Submission will be available in two ways – through “Public Services” or through Federal Accreditation Service. In any of these options, the submission takes place online without visiting representative offices.

The innovations will also affect the procedure for confirming competence – the period will be about 49 working days, whereas now it is 56, with an on-site assessment or expansion of the scope of accreditation. Up to 41 working days, the process will be reduced when conducting a documentary or field assessment.

It is assumed that this will reduce the load.

Author of the article
Reduction of terms of accreditation for business
Valentina Khlavich
Managing Partner
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