Anti-crisis presidential decrees, how they will affect foreign economic business.

Apr, 13 2022

This year, the President of the Russian Federation issued two decrees No. 79 and 95, which are aimed at maintaining the competitiveness of Russian business in the foreign market under sanctions. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation studied details of it and gave explanations.

– Russian business is obliged to sell the share of foreign exchange earnings received under foreign trade contracts under which non-residents (foreigners) provided services or sold goods.

– there are two ways to realize foreign exchange earnings: to a Russian bank or broker on specialized trading platforms.

– banks are instructed to monitor the order of compliance with the requirements of residents on the sale of foreign exchange earnings.

It is worth noting that these rules are temporary and may be canceled by the end of the year.

Author of the article
Anti-crisis presidential decrees, how they will affect foreign economic business.
Valentina Khlavich
Managing Partner
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