Russia is considering simplifying visa requirements for foreign investors

May, 08 2024

The Russian government is considering simplifying entry conditions for foreign investors willing to invest in projects from 50 million roubles. This initiative is aimed at attracting investment from friendly countries. The possible interest of foreigners will be determined by specific projects available for investment.

For whom visas will be simplified

New measures to attract foreign investors include a simplified procedure for issuing multiple-entry business visas for three years, currently they are issued for one year.

Obtaining such visas requires an investment of 50 million rubles or more – it is assumed that the visas will be issued to residents of special economic zones and territories of advanced development.

According to the proposal, a business visa for three years may be requested by the management company of a special economic zone or a regional executive authority. The agreement also stipulates that the request may be submitted by the head of the region where the investment project is launched.

Additionally, a condition is proposed that the foreign investor must confirm the realisation of at least 25% of the declared investment volume in the first year. Otherwise, the visa period may be shortened.

The document that has been designed, on the one hand, creates comfortable and predictable conditions for foreign investment in the economy of Russian regions in a wide range of areas.

On the other hand, it takes into account mechanisms to protect regions from possible default by investors.

The original proposal to create a special long-term visa for foreign investors, valid for at least three years, was first put forward in May 2023 at a meeting between experts from Business Russia and the president. At that time, it was instructed to facilitate entry for foreign partners into the country.

Author of the article
Russia is considering simplifying visa requirements for foreign investors
Valentina Khlavich
Managing Partner
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