Planned business inspections are planned to be abolished to promote entrepreneurship

Jul, 17 2024

Since 2022, the Russian Federation has had a temporary restriction on planned and unscheduled inspections of businesses. This measure was necessary to stimulate the economy during the pandemic. This moratorium had a positive impact on business, which sparked a discussion on the abolition of inspections.

The moratorium on inspections was established back in 2022, but it was extended until the end of 2024. We currently have the following restrictions:

  • Restriction on planned inspections extended until 2030

However, inspections will take place at some facilities. These are facilities with a high and extremely high-risk category, as well as enterprises related to the production of food products. At the same time, the inspection will be accompanied by a timely warning.

  • Restriction on unscheduled inspections extended until 2025

Unscheduled inspections can be carried out in any number of cases, but they are linked to a limited list of cases established by law. There are two main mechanisms: one of them requires approval of the relevant inspection by the prosecutor’s office, the other does not. 

  • Prevention visits – new form of accounting

Prevention visits – is a new most popular way to interaction of business with State authority today. Companies are notified 5 days in advance about this. They can reject the offer to be vetted. If it is necessary to such visit, entrepreneurs can arrange this inspection themselves.

  • Initiative of Ministry of economic development

Ministry of economic development proposed part-channel of inspections back in February, because such checks are slowing business development. It is proposed to retain inspections at facilities with a high-risk category, and the rest of the facilities to transfer to a system of preventive visits, which will have a positive impact on the development of entrepreneurship.

Author of the article
Planned business inspections are planned to be abolished to promote entrepreneurship
Valentina Khlavich
Managing Partner
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