Legal outsourcing

  • Decrease in tax and other expenses
  • Privacy
  • Support in English
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Outsourcing legal services - is a professional legal support to provide a strong guarantee of business operations, interactions with counterparties and government authorities.

VALEN Group specialists provide these guarantees of legal assistance and business security for comfortable work and deal making.

Valentina Khlavich
Managing Partner
  • Law degree in the Russian Federation
  • Studied at the University of Passau, Germany
  • Foreign Languages: English, German
  • Since 2007 a lawyer in Beiten Burkhardt lawfirm
  • Since 2012 founder and managing partner at VALEN

Since 2019 in the list of

Who are services relevant for?

  • Companies (LLC or JSC). -The services of an in-house lawyer are becoming less relevant as Russian legislation is changing and undergoing amendments. A large number of regulatory documents expands the range of documents that need to be reviewed in a timely manner. All this complicates the process of solving legal cases for an in-house specialist
  • IE.An individual entrepreneur, due to the presence of small competencies, is not always able to competently conduct the affairs of the company in the legal aspect. In order to reduce the risks of receiving pre-trial claims or summons to court, it is advisable to contact our specialists

The advantages of outsourcing legal services for business

  • Responsiveness. We respond quickly to any questions or difficulties of our clients.
  • Confidentiality. We do not disclose information to third persons. This applies to legal and commercial information.
  • Professionalism. All our employees are highly qualified, experienced and willing to help the client in a quality manner.
  • Decrease in tax and other expenses.The cost of a lawyer's work includes the salary of a specialist and other expenses.
  • Uninterrupted work. We stay in touch at a comfortable time for the client to solve the most urgent and important issues.

Cost of legal outsourcing for businesses

  • Presence or absence of a subscription fee
  • Type of service performed
  • Number of specialists involved
  • The requirements for participation in legal proceedings
  • Necessity of business trips
  • Legal area where the problem emerged

More about legal outsourcing services

  • Responsiveness. We respond quickly to any questions or difficulties of our clients.
  • Confidentiality. We do not disclose information to third persons. This applies to legal and commercial information.
  • Professionalism. All our employees are highly qualified, experienced and willing to help the client in a quality manner.
  • Decrease in tax and other expenses.The cost of a lawyer's work includes the salary of a specialist and other expenses.
  • Uninterrupted work. We stay in touch at a comfortable time for the client to solve the most urgent and important issues.
  • Providing oral and written consultations;
  • Document preparation;
  • Legal expertise of documents;
  • Assessing the prospects for legal proceedings;
  • Representing the client's interests during negotiations with intermediaries or partners;
  • Representation of the company's interests in public and private bodies;
  • Representing the interests of the organization during pre-trial proceedings and in court, as well as control over the execution of court proceedings;
  • Accounting and tax support;
  • Protecting the interests of the organization in case of labor disputes;
  • Participation in investigations of accidents during the work process;
  • Development of internal regulatory framework;
  • Analyzing counterparty companies and transactions with them;
  • Identification of risks in different transactions;
  • Providing recommendations on the execution of various transactions;
  • Control over the correct execution of transactions - within the framework of the concluded agreement;
  • Registration of real estate transactions, including land plots;
  • Support of the procedure of opening, reorganization and liquidation of a legal entity;
  • Supporting a client at all stages of bankruptcy proceedings.

Who do we provide support to?

  1. To budget organizations.
  2. To non-profit organizations (NPOs).
  3. To newly incorporated companies.
  4. To companies with a small legal team, but big legal problems.


Legal entities are increasingly turning to the services of outsourcing law firms to effectively handle legal issues. This approach gives businesses the opportunity to concentrate on their core business, transferring legal responsibilities to professionals and reducing the risk of making mistakes. Cooperation with law firms reduces operating costs, as there is no need to maintain a full-fledged in-house legal department.

Mitigating the risks associated with legal disputes and contingencies is also an important aspect of collaboration. Law outsourcing companies strive to provide comprehensive and relevant advice, helping clients to comply with laws and regulators, which helps to prevent potential legal problems.

Overall, the outsourcing services of law firms represent a strategically important step for economic operators, allowing them to effectively manage legal issues, focus on business processes and minimize risks.

Our clients and partners

Leading Lawyers

Valentina Khlavich
Managing Partner
Veronika Slivka
Head of Operations
Irina Girgushkina
Head of legal
Dmitry Kofanov
Valentina Khlavich
Managing Partner

Law degree in the Russian Federation

Studied at the University of Passau, Germany

Foreign Languages: English, German

Since 2007 a lawyer in Beiten Burkhardt lawfirm

Since 2012 founder and managing partner at VALEN

Our specialists
Veronika Slivka
Head of Operations

Graduated from Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU) with a degree in World Economy and Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) with a degree in Civil Law

Foreign languages: English, German

13+ years in consulting

Since 2024 – Head of Operations at Valen Group

Our specialists
Irina Girgushkina
Head of legal

Graduated Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)

RANEPA at the President of the Russian Federation

Certified Lawyer in the Russian Federation, Master of Law (Corporate Law)

Foreign languages: English, French

4+ years in corporate law consulting

Since 2022 –Head of legal at Valen Group

Our specialists
Dmitry Kofanov

Certified Lawyer in the Russian Federation

Experience since 2003 – in Russian and foreign law firms

Since 2021 – partner at VALEN

Our specialists

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