How can a citizen of Kazakhstan launch a company in Russia: features of the procedure

Jan, 22 2024


Can a citizen of Kazakhstan open an LLC on the territory of the Russian Federation? This question is asked by many immigrants to our country and foreigners who want to open a business in Russia. Starting your own business requires taking certain steps and complying with the requirements. It is important to note that the rules and procedures may change over time, so the best solution would be to contact legal consultants or specialists involved in the registration of legal entities in Russia. In this article we will look at some of the features of the procedure.

What steps are usually required to register an LLC in Russia?

  1. Choosing a legal address. It is necessary to have a legal address for the registration of the organization. This may be your own office, rented premises or the services of a law firm providing an address for registration.
  2. The choice of the name. The name of the LLC must comply with the requirements of civil legislation and must not contain prohibited words and phrases.
  3. Establishment of the authorized capital. This is a sum of money that is contributed by the founders and used to finance the company’s activities. In Russia, for the registration of an LLC, the authorized capital is at least 10,000 rubles.
  4. Preparation of documents for registration of LLC. It is necessary to prepare constituent documents, such as a decision (protocol) on the establishment of an LLC, an application, and the charter of an LLC. The Charter establishes the rules of operation of the company, the management structure, the size of the authorized capital, and so on.
  5. Registration with the tax service. After preparing the founding documents, you must register with the Tax Service (Federal Tax Service of Russia). You will be provided with an OGRN (main state registration number) and an INN (individual tax number) for your company.

In addition to these steps, there may be additional requirements and nuances, including the need to provide certain documents, translations into Russian, and so on. To avoid mistakes and misunderstandings, it is recommended to seek help from lawyers or consultants who have experience in registering and registering an LLC in Russia.

Requirements for the founder

To register your own company in Russia, a citizen of Kazakhstan does not need any permits or a residence permit.

Moreover, a citizen of Kazakhstan can register an LLC remotely without coming to Russia.

What documents do I need to collect?

The following set of documents must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service:

  • Application for registration of LLC in the form P11001.
  • The decision to create an LLC in the case of one founder.
  • Minutes of the general meeting of participants in the case of several founders.
  • The charter of the company.
  • Notarized translation of the passport.
  • Power of attorney if the documents are submitted by third parties.

It is important to translate all documents into Russian and notarize them.

How to calculate taxes?

Companies with foreign participation have some tax restrictions, including benefits. In general, among the features of accrual and payment of taxes, one can distinguish:

  • For companies with participants who are citizens of Kazakhstan, the tax rate on dividends does not exceed 10%.
  • If the foreign founders of the LLC are natural persons, you can work on a simplified basis.

Question and answer

What forms of doing business are available to citizens of Kazakhstan?

Individuals-citizens of Kazakhstan can open a commercial organization in Russia, including an LLC.

Are there restrictions on doing business for citizens of Kazakhstan?

There are no special restrictions on doing business. The authorities of the two countries have achieved the most facilitated and transparent conditions for the development of the business environment and entrepreneurship between the states.

How can professional lawyers help in starting a business?

VALEN’s professionals will help customers:
• Choose the most appropriate tax system.
• Open a bank account in any financial institution, as well as issue a seal, registration of LLC in the SFR and extra-budgetary funds.
• Provide legal support for the company’s activities.
• Consult on any legal issues related to the company’s activities.

Author of the article
How can a citizen of Kazakhstan launch a company in Russia: features of the procedure
Valentina Khlavich
Managing Partner
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