Entrepreneurs will be able to send online appeals for consultations on business problems

Oct, 02 2024

A new service is available on the portal of state services (Gosuslugi) in the feedback section, which allows companies and individual entrepreneurs to address regional government authorities on their current problems.

Responses from regional structures will be provided as soon as possible – depending on the complexity of the issue, within 5, 10 or 30 calendar days.

The pilot project for processing business enquiries will take place in 30 regions, including the Republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, as well as the Krasnodar, Perm and Khabarovsk Territories, and a number of oblasts.

By 1 April 2025, it is planned to expand it to the remaining regions of the Russian Federation.

According to the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, in 29 pilot regions, entrepreneurs can already submit a request via the Gosuslugi portal to resolve issues related to business support, human resources and infrastructure.

Communications and questions will be thoroughly analyzed and investment committees will address the identified problems.

It is planned that this initiative will improve the business environment.

Author of the article
Entrepreneurs will be able to send online appeals for consultations on business problems
Irina Girgushkina
Head of legal
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